Sunday 15 June 2014


The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. Ephesians 1:18

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Proverbs 24 - 30

Ephesians 1:18 says the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. In your prayer closet, please ask the Lord to enlighten the eyes of your understanding. When many of us have birthday celebrations, graduation ceremonies, child dedications, house warming, marriage ceremonies, wedding anniversaries, etc, we go to extra length to invite our friends and families. We give invitation cards to everyone we come across; we send texts , WhatsApp messages , Blackberry broadcasts but when it comes to the things of God i.e. special programs in church , church anniversaries, etc, we invite one or two people, this does not speak well of us. We are willing to invite everyone we know to our birthday parties but when it comes to God’s party, where people will have the opportunity to hear the undiluted word of God and give their lives to Christ, we invite two or three people, is that how much we love God?

A wise child sees to it, that his or her parent’s house is in order. He or she will clean and arrange it so that visitors won’t come in and find the house in a mess or untidy. Even if (S) he is married, (S) he will still put measures in place to ensure that his or her parent’s house is clean at all times. Some hire a house help to do the cleaning, others pay people to go and clean once or twice a week. It is the pride of every child that his or her parent’s house is neat, tidy and everything is running as it should be. A visitor on the other hand does not care about the tidiness or cleanliness of the house. Whether there is toilet roll in the toilet or not, is not his business. Whether the lawn is mowed or not, is not his prerogative. Whether the broken light bulb is replaced or not, is not his concern.

The same thing applies in the house of God. A visitor does not care about how the church is being maintained. Whether the church members are prayed for or not, is not his headache but a child in the house will be uncomfortable doing nothing in the church. She knows the church needs to be cleaned so she will join the sanctuary keeper; He knows the church needs intercessors who will be interceding for the church and the members so he will enroll as an intercessor; he knows the microphones, speakers and other church appliances cannot operate themselves so he will join the media team. Visitors come for the blessings, but the real children come to serve.

QUESTION: Are you in church for the blessing or to server God?

Bro Samuel – Reaching the world for Jesus.

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