Wednesday 5 February 2014


MEMORY VERSE : the memory of the just is blessed: the name of the wicked shall rot, Proverbs 10:7
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR : 1 Sam 1, Rom 1, Jer 39, Luke 8
BIBLE STUDIES : Acts 9:36 – 42
If the Lord tarries, a day is coming when we will all sleep and not wake up. If the Lord delays His second coming, a day is coming when the alarm clock will go off at 5am as usual and we will not hear not because we overslept but because we slept in the Lord. Brethren a day is coming when the bold will not be able to utter a single word again , when the strong and mighty will not be able to defend himself no more. In that day the king’s subjects will say long live the king and he will not be able to respond with his usual smile. In that day they will call Mr President , and Mr President will not able to respond. In that day the husband will say dear and the wife will not be able to answer, the wife will say honey and the husband will not be able to answer. In that day the word ‘late ‘ will now be added to our names i.e. late Mr A.
In Acts 9 : 36 – 42 Dorcas slept like everyone in Joppa but did not wake up the next morning ; her race on earth had ended. They laid her in the upper chamber and by her was memories of how she spent her time on earth – the widows she had fed ; the people she had helped; the families she had paid for their children’s tuition ; the naked she had clothe; the hungry she had fed ; the homeless she had given accommodation to e.t.c.
In that day when my body and your body will be laid down, what will be the memory beside it? Proverbs 10:7 says the memory of the just is blessed. Sister will it be all the abortion and sugar daddies you had? Bro will it be all the ladies you impregnated and denied it or those you slept with behind your wife ? Manager will it be all the staff you refused to pay their salary in time or those you sacked because they did not play the game ? Supervisor will it be the staffs you victimised? Mr Politician will it be all the money you embezzled – money meant for the community you used for yourself and family? Born again will it be all your neighbors you don’t greet? Anointed man of God will it be the truth you refused to preach because you don’t want offend some sets of members? Mr Police will it be cases of perverted justices? Believers will it be those that backslided because of you.
TO PONDER : Will my memory be a blessed one?
Bro Samuel – Reaching the world for Jesus

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