Wednesday 13 February 2013


BIBLE IN ONE YEAR Gen 45, Mark 15, Job 11, Romans 15

Genesis 37:10 and he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said to him, what is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down to thee to the earth?

BIBLE STUDIES: Genesis 37:9-11

In Genesis 37:9-11 is a story we all know. Joseph stood before his father and brethren to tell them about a dream he had. In the dream, he saw the sun, the moon and eleven stars paying obeisance to him meaning his father and brothers were going to be his servants. Immediately Jacob heard this dream, he did something very interesting. Firstly he rebuked Joseph and rejected the dream; secondly he took note of the dream. This man did not wait for any pastor to come and reject the dream, right in the presence of Joseph he rejected the dream i.e. he refused to be a servant. The brothers instead of rejecting the bad dream they got angry at Joseph and his dream.

What do I do when I have nightmares or evil dreams? What do I when I get evil prophecies that something terrible is going to happen to me? The first thing you do is reject it. Immediately Jacob heard the dream, he rejected the dream. When you have a bad dream, immediately you wake up before talking to anyone reject the bad dream. If anyone comes to tell you of any bad dream or give you evil prophesy, right in their presence reject it. Numbers 14:28 says say unto them, As truly as I live, saith the Lord, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you. It is what you say in God’s ear that He will do. Let God hear you say ‘that evil dream or vision is not my portion’. In His hearing, reject that evil prophesy, dream or vision they saw about you. In His hearing, reject the vision or dream of death, failure or loss. The mistake many make today is once they have a bad dream or hear an evil prophesy or hear that something terrible will happen to them or their loved ones, they begin to panic and cry. Instead of rejecting the dream or vision they accept it, and unconsciously begin to expect it to happen. Brethren, it is what you expect that will come to pass. Proverbs 23:18 says your expectation shall not be cut off. Stop expecting evil prophesy or bad dreams to come to pass. Reject them immediately you hear them. The next thing Jacob did was he took note of the dream. He took note of the dream so as to put measures in place to ensure that the evil dream will not come to pass in his life. Take note of those evil prophesy and bad dreams; start praying and fasting. Ask the Lord to bring every counsel of the enemy to nothing over your life. The brothers of Joseph of accepted the dream and began to get angry at Joseph and his dream. By the time we get to Genesis 50:18, we see them bowing with their face to the earth begging to be Joseph’s servant. Jacob on the other rejected the dream, took note of it so as to pray.By the time we get to Genesis 47:10 we see Pharaoh (the most powerful man in the world at that time) bowing down to Jacob for prayers.

ACTION POINT: Reject every evil prophesy, vision, dream about you.

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