Saturday 7 July 2012

The devil wears Prada

Are you being driven to seek acceptance from the world? Are the opinions of the experts influencing you? Do you find yourself referencing them chapter and verse?
You are not alone!
Through the airways the traffic is relentless. Many voices are vying to be the authority that governs your thoughts and actions.
Do you sometimes feel like a reed swaying in the wind? Realize that wind is of hurricane force and you need to brace yourself!
The counsel of man changes regularly . Just think of scientific and medical knowledge. These are certainly more solid than psychology or new age thinking, and yet their conclusions change regularly! If these considerably learned professionals change, how solid are the other supposed experts?
It is a simple thing to exhort you to establish yourself on how God sees you. However, the reality is that we do not live in a simple world.
The force and power behind this world is otherworldly .
The force and power behind this world is satanic. Behind the things of the world, there is an orderly arrangement or organization. It is intangible, a planned system in which there is a harmonious functioning, and a perfect order.
The world knew not God – 1 Cor 1:21
The world hated Christ John – 15:18
The world cannot receive the Spirit of truth – John 14:17
The world’s works are evil – John 7:7
Friendship of the world is enmity with God – James 4:4
This world order is hostile to God. It is seductive and alluring, but ultimately destructive. It drives, unrelenting in its goal … control!
CONTROL , attune your thinking to this present age. DILUTE the reality of God and the power of His Word. CONFORM , not into the image of Christ, but antichrist!
The force and power opposing the usurper is also otherworldly!
Believers confront two worlds, two spheres of authority that are totally different and opposed in character. One is the order of things of which Christ is sovereign Lord, and the other an opposed order of things having Satan as its head.
Baptism is a believer’s declaration of death and burial with Christ. It is a passage into another world. The passage is from a world that is under judgment (John 12:31-32), into a world that is marked by newness of divine life. When one arises out of the water, he/she arise in Christ.
We are transferred from the kingdom of this world into the kingdom of God’s Son (Col. 1:13). We are aliens, journeying a foreign land. We await a homeland not of this world.
We are an inoculation in the usurpers’ kingdom! Make no mistake about it, the enemy wants us conformed to his system or removed from affecting his domain.
Determine to establish your identity in Christ, conforming only to Him! Barbara Kankowske

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